Life in a Nutshell #01: In search of Truth

Himanshu Bassi
3 min readJun 25, 2021
Artist: Yuumei

What do you think is the meaning of “Truth”?

Is it, A popular lie which is repeated enough times, that it becomes the truth?


Is it something that one simply believes?

Or perhaps, it is something universal in nature?

If so…, how does one justify it?

The answer can be, all of the above yet none at all. Truth is an ethereal concept which vanishes if you believe nothing in this world is true. But once you believe something is true it will become the Truth much like belief.

Now how does one recognize or justify the so-called truth?

It might sound unreasonable and unrealistic but this is what I believe and have noticed in the past twenty years of my life. It simply depends upon two factors: -


Let’s start with “WHO”

Who would you believe?

A person saying COVID-19 is the beginning of a Bio-War


the Prime Minister saying COVID-19 is the beginning of a Bio-War?

The answer is obvious. If a random person is saying it, they will be treated as jokers and everyone would laugh at them. But, if a person of influence says it, everyone takes it with great seriousness.

Now, we know that “WHO” has power and influence. It plays a major role in deciding the truth but it’s not enough. The “HOW” is equally important.

Let’s see “HOW”

If someone tells you that the COVID vaccine will save you but it might have some side effects, will you still prefer to take the dose?

I bet that at least 50% of the people will be stuck on the word “Side Effects”.

But what if a country’s leader by using different social media platforms and billboards, spending millions of dollars in advertising tells you that there are no side effects, avoid rumors, take vaccines and keep yourself safe.

The majority of people are surely going to believe it, thinking…, who would want their own countrymen to suffer/die. Concluding that a leader can never be wrong.

Here, the way “HOW” works is, if a person tries to convey the same message through News Media- many will cover it, but no one would acknowledge it once a leader contradicts it. That person’s experience and opinions will vanish in thin air.

Now we can combine them both to see a clear picture of WHO (Person with Power &Influence ) and HOW (Manipulation and Network) when combined, constitute what the Truth or Lie is, or how people of the world perceive it to be so.

How can we summarize what truth really is? It is simply opinions that are accepted and subject to change depending on scenarios only to be accepted again, if rejected they become a lie, there is no one concrete truth, nor will there ever be.

